Camping in the Autumn

Camping in the Autumn

October 18, 2018

Off we went, this time just the four of us, looking for some tranquillity and adventure in North America. The place we stayed in was absolutely amazing, I cannot even begin to describe the peace and softness of our surroundings. The chalet sat literally on the lake, with two tin baths looking over the water (yes, you read that correctly). We had a small rowing boat that was tied to the dock so we could venture out in the evenings and go fishing for supper. The well-stocked kitchen offered many food choices to accompany our regular fish meals too. 

In the mornings we were blessed with warm sunlight dripping into our rooms - there were no curtains at the windows (which didn't matter seeing as we were the only people around for quite literally, a hundred miles). We went for brisk walks after very refreshing lake swims and stopped to eat our packed lunches along the way. 

One evening, we arrived back to the chalet (after hiking since dawn) and found a bear and her cubs had moved into our temporary house and eaten most of our food. To be honest, I'm surprised they hadn't all sat down for a candlelit dinner while they were there and half expected them to go out fishing on the rowing boat wearing all our clothes, but alas - that wasn't to be. The bears moved out the same night they arrived and we were alone once again. What a trip it was.